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Egypt Must Work Harder to Revive Tourism After Incidents

This news seems to me very important since it says that Egypt will have to work very hard so that it returns to have tourists and so that the tourist industry can reappear.

Last year, Egypt was one of the countries that suffered the most damage due to the massive drop in tourists. The tourists were afraid to go because of the terrorist attacks that the country has received. After all, it is understandable that tourists do not want to go after everything that has happened in that city and prefer to go somewhere else where they feel safer and more tranquil.

The article says that the efforts they have to make are very great so that they can be put back into operation, but they also have to boost the country's business so that Egypt can somehow do a washing of the image.

It seems to me quite correct that they want to start up again and start from scratch, since many people live on tourism in that country, as in many others.

Tourism is a machine to make money and therefore it has to be promoted in one way or another, either by boosting business or by making other promotions. The important thing is that this country has to rise again and position itself and tourism is a good way to do it.

If people like what they see themselves they will make a lot more people go.

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